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with Less Stress

Exceptional Customized Tutoring

Elite Tutoring

Engaging tutors with
years of experience

Customized Approach

Personalized tutoring
tailored to your child

Elevated Results

Raise grades, reduce stress
and enhance learning


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Deena L.
“Their staff expertise is tremendous
and their communication was amazing”
“Their staff expertise is tremendous and their communication was amazing”
Jennifer O.
“We’ve seen remarkable growth
in his math skills”
“We’ve seen remarkable growth in his math skills”
David K.
“My experience with Elevation was
above and beyond what I expected”
“My experience with Elevation was above and beyond what I expected”

Study Tips

Where should your child study?

1. Quiet Space
Students can study much better when they aren’t constantly distracted by extraneous sounds and activity. Cell phones should be turned off and a closed door is usually better than an open space.

2. Work at a Desk
Students are generally more focused sitting at a desk- not on the floor, on the coach, or in bed! The chair should be comfortable – but not too comfortable!

3. Clear Surface
Students can be easily distracted by what’s on their desks- the less on the desk, the better. There should also be minimal visual distractions directly over and around your child’s study space (like bright posters, post-its, or toys).

How can your child prepare effectively for tests?

1. Ask for Guidance
It’s crucial for your child to have a clear understanding of what the test will cover. Your child can have a conversation
with the teacher about study recommendations and what specific topics/pages to focus on. Many teachers are more
than willing to help.

2. Start Early
This is essential. Studying for tests in advance helps with information retention. It’s important to be realistic about the
amount of time your child needs in order to prepare. Next, “book in” the study time in a specific time slot in a planner
or online calendar. Then, follow the schedule!

3. Chunk the Studying
“Chunking,” which is breaking down the material into smaller parts, works wonders. For example, a science test that
covers five units can be more manageable if your child studies one unit at a time. By dividing the material into smaller
tasks, your child will likely find the preparation less stressful.

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