Simple Tips to Improve Your Child’s Focus

4–8 hours a day. That’s the amount of time most students are sitting each school day.  It’s hard to stay focused when sitting for long stretches of time, especially if it’s remote learning.

We know it’s ineffective to merely tell children to pay attention or “try” to focus. Our real dilemma is finding a way to help them do this more intuitively. 

Here are some practical techniques that may work for your child: 

1. Have a water bottle nearby

Since dehydration can interfere with a child’s ability to concentrate, suggest that he or she sip water periodically (or even hold the cold bottle against his or her forehead).

2. Challenge your child to participate

The more children engage in the class discussion by asking questions and offering answers, the more likely they are to stay interested. You could give your child a two point challenge: find 2 opportunities to offer opinions and ideas times during the class.

3. Make smart food choices

Many students enjoy sugary snacks during the day, but we know that a sugar crash often results in sleepiness and inattentiveness. You can help your child by teaching him/her about healthy snack choices, such as nuts or a fruit.

4. Stretch between classes

Many students get tired and/or tight during the school day.  We recommend getting up between classes and stretching, which can help improve concentration by increasing blood flow.  

5. Step away from your computer at the end of your school day

With students’ spending so much time on devices, usage, it’s important to take a device break.  We recommend doing some movement that the student enjoys – take a walk, play a sport, or dance to music.  It’s preferred to get fresh air outdoors. 

Overall, these strategies have helped many students improve their concentration. Every child is different, and it’s important to consider what works best for each individual.  

Learn how we can help your child improve focus and performance.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

You can also call us at 212-706-1044 or email us.

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